Blessed Hope Communications, Inc.
Blessed Hope
NEW RESOURCE! Keeping Vigil for Christ’s Coming in Glory. Click to download it. You can find it and other resources on our Resources page |
Do You Need More Hope?
In our day, even in the midst of increasing darkness, the Holy Spirit is stirring the hope of the Church and awakening the longing for our Lord Jesus to return. This hope helps those who have it to hold fast to our Lord even in the midst of worldly turmoil. It fosters peace in the soul, and it raises our outlook beyond the difficulties while putting us in a position to receive tremendous grace from God.
The Holy Spirit plants the hope of Jesus’ coming in glory in each believer’s heart at baptism. But we can lose touch with that hope if we lose sight of God’s eternal love and provision for us. This site was created to help you better understand the hope of the Church and to provide resources to help you grow in that hope.
What is the hope of the Church?
- the full manifestation of Jesus in all his glory
- the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband (no more division in the Body of Christ)
- the fulfillment of the Lord’s prayer to His Father: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”
- the fullness of salvation in the resurrection of the dead
- the renewal of all things in the “new heavens and a new earth”
- no more tears, struggles, or fear.
This COME, LORD JESUS! website is a prayer and faith formation initiative of Blessed Hope Communications, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Maryland, to stir that hope in you, your parish, and others in the Church.

Ways to Stir Our Hope
We provide several ways to help others fan into flame the grace that God has poured into them, to turn what can seem like a distant hope into a “living hope” (1 Peter 1:3) that motivates and empowers.
Visit our Ministries section to learn about some of the ways we’ve helped stir this hope in others (presentations, prayers, youth work, spiritual accompaniment and mentoring, etc.).
Pray with us the Litany of the coming of the Lord in Glory
Help us spread awareness
of our blessed hope
The hope the Church holds out to all is the hope of new life in Jesus, for all eternity! Your donation will help us in our mission to bring this hope to many.