Ministry for Women

Blessed Hope Communications, Inc. is responding to the great need in our day for the renewal of the image of the church as Bride.

Blessed Hope Communications, Inc. assists women of all walks of life to contemplate their profound dignity in Christ and to know the truth, goodness and beauty of their femininity which Christ will glorify in the resurrection of the body on the last day.

By contemplating her feminine dignity in Christ, women contribute much to the church’s readiness for her Bridegroom. They remind the church of her bridal character which is essential to her mystery as church. Paul speaks of this in his teaching on marriage in Ephesians 5:31-32:

‘“For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This mystery is a profound one, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church’. 

Likewise we encourage men to contemplate the truth, goodness and strength of their masculinity which Christ will glorify on the last day.

Terri has discerned a call from God to contribute her voice as a servant of the Spirit in His preparation of the Bride, the Church. Terri has recently begun writing a book about her personal calling as a woman living her womanhood for the Lord in view of His coming in glory. Stay tuned for more information.

Contact Terri

Would you like to hear more about Terri’s call as a woman dedicated to living her womanhood for the Lord in view of His coming in glory? If so, please fill out the contact form below.

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